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Procedures for working with external partners

Woodhouse Grange Cricket Club personnel may at times undertake cricket activities in schools, local authorities or similar organisations, on a voluntary or paid basis.

The Club Welfare Officer must ensure the Club Committee has considered all its obligations and duties before undertaking any partnership working of this kind.

In respect of schools and school sport, they will have their own reporting structure for concerns. This structure supersedes any Woodhouse Grange standard reporting structure for incidents connected to school sport.

When planning and undertaking this kind of activity, coaches and other personnel, in conjunction with the Club Welfare Officer, should consider:

  • Qualifications;
  • Insurance;
  • Risk assessments including first aid procedures;
  • Avoidance of adults being alone with children;
  • Supervision of children undertaken by appropriately vetted adults and with correct supervisory ratios;
  • Changing ;
  • Transport to any games or facilities; and,
  • Any Photographs/press coverage